麻雀 發表於 28-10-2010 16:18:28


bluewinger 發表於 28-10-2010 16:14 http://www4.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif


bluewinger 發表於 28-10-2010 16:22:31

回復 21# 麻雀


麻雀 發表於 28-10-2010 16:29:16


bluewinger 發表於 28-10-2010 16:22 http://www4.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif

    吾得 去到第4層中間問距吾得

bluewinger 發表於 28-10-2010 16:30:38

回復 23# 麻雀


Hk_Alexander 發表於 28-10-2010 16:31:37

Fancy Boots? 睇睇我整既中文 Guide 你就會明點汁了~


麻雀 發表於 28-10-2010 16:38:35

本帖最後由 麻雀 於 28-10-2010 16:49 編輯

心灰....又要再行過 比我死左去ok?=.=

麻雀 發表於 28-10-2010 16:54:04

本帖最後由 麻雀 於 28-10-2010 17:00 編輯


Hk_Alexander 發表於 28-10-2010 16:59:56

麻雀 發表於 28-10-2010 16:54 http://www.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif

你 add me MSN 吧 , 我係 MSN 答你

my MSN:bonbon9999992003@yahoo.com.hk

麻雀 發表於 28-10-2010 17:04:27

本帖最後由 麻雀 於 28-10-2010 17:18 編輯

你 add me MSN 吧 , 我係 MSN 答你

my MSN:
Hk_Alexander 發表於 28-10-2010 16:59 http://www4.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif

    加左msn啦 我問距距話
the box hinges creak and appear to be forming audible words....after all you have just been through, it appears that you still have not learned the value of securing your account. when your account is secure, please come back and claim you reward perhaps i should go and set some sensible recovery questions on my account. i`ll be back

Hk_Alexander 發表於 28-10-2010 18:01:12

加左msn啦 我問距距話
the box hinges creak and appear to be forming audible words....after all ...
麻雀 發表於 28-10-2010 17:04 http://www.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif

你什麼 MSN =.=" 唔見你既?
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